Here are the rules of the nomination:
- Be sure to thank the blog that nominated you and be sure to link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions that the blogger asked you.
- Nominate 11 of your favourite blogs with under 500 followers and ask your own 11 questions.
- Make sure to let each blogger know about your Liebster Blog nomination on their blog (leave a comment and link back to your Liebster Blog post).
Here are my answers to Lucy's questions:
1. What made you create a blog?
I created my blog because I was invited to join the Glitter n Sparkle DT. And I love entering challenges LOL.
2. What scares you?
Losing loved ones.
3. Favourite type of crafting?
Definitely making cards.
4. When's your favourite time to craft, day or night?
Any time is my favourite time to craft LOL, but I probably craft more during the day.
5. Name your favourite place you'd like to visit?
I would like to visit Australia or New Zealand some day.
6. What's your favourite TV show?
I don't watch TV, but when I used to, my favourite shows were Seinfeld and the Big Bang Theory.
7. Where was your last holiday?
I'm not much of a traveller, but I do enjoy short trips around our province, so my last holiday was around Nova Scotia.
8. Do you like Valentine's Day?
I love Valentine's Day - I think it's romantic and fun!
9. How many and which countries have you lived in?
One - Canada.
10. Do you collect anything?
I have a lovely collection of cat-themed items, many of which I received as gifts. I used to collect fitness DVDs - that was when Fit Kitty was a bit more fit LOL. But now the only thing I collect is crafting supplies.
11. Favourite colour?
Pink, pink, pink!
Here are 11 of my favourite blogs that I have chosen to nominate for the Liebster Award:
Avril - Crafting in the Bedroom
Dee - Dee's Cards
Donna - Creative Smiles
Erin - Erin's Owl Nest
Gail - I Like Paper
kReN - A Fourth Life
Liz - Buttons for Brains
Marion - marions-scrapkaarten
Patti - stationery Styles
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob
And here are my questions for the 11 chosen blogs:
1. What prompted you to create a blog?
2. What do you do with all the cards you make?
3. What blog reader do you use? (I'm asking this because I've had trouble with my Blogger Dashboard list loading lately.)
4. Do you prefer traditional stamping with ink, or digital stamps, and why?
5. Do you work outside the home and, if so, what is/was your line of work?
6. What is your favourite craft item to purchase?
7. Do you enjoy walking or any other physical activity?
8. Do you have your own craft room?
9. Do you collect anything?
10. What is your favourite fruit or vegetable?
10. What is your favourite fruit or vegetable?
11. Do your family members/friends follow your blog?
Wishing you a joyful day!
I'm so glad to see you did it Kitty!! Love your questions for your chosen blogs and loved reading your answers to my questions (sounds nosey doesn't it hehe). Have a great day, XOX Lucy
Congrats! I too enjoyed reading the answers to the questions. How fun!!!
Aw, thank you so much, Kitty! Very sweet of you to include me, too! Loved reading about you, too. You are such a sweetheart, Kitty. I was very blessed the day we "encountered" each other's blogs - I can't even remember how it happened, but I know it was one more greatest and most treasured gifts. hugs, de
Aww thank you very much. I will be sure to work on this tomorrow. Very happy to have "met" you! And to think it all started with blog candy! :-)
Hi Kitty was a sweet heart! I hope to join the fun soon. I'm a bit covered up with work just now but I will do my best to post some questions too! Thank you.
Lovely to read more about you sweettie, thanks for the reward, I am so happy you thought of me, lots of hugs and love, cuddles to Honeydew and Kiwi
Just gorgeous,fab image and details.xxx
Congrats on your award Kitty!!! It was so nice to get to know you more and hey whatdaknow!! you live across the puddle from me!!!! I am in Prince Edward Island, we will have to meet up sometime when I travel to Halifax with Michael maybe if you are not too far away..about where do you live?
Congratulations on your award Kitty, so well deserved.
Thank you so much for thinking of me, I feel very honoured but I have previously been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award and it feels rather greedy to accept another. Perhaps you would like to nominate another of your blog friends
Thank you so much for thinking of me.
Congrats Kitty! It was so nice of you to include me in your favorite blogs. Now about this award.... Do we post this on our blogs? Is there a banquet or anything, like maybe in Cancun where there is no snow? Do we have to give a speech? Think I should buy a new dress, or at least some bling? Hope they serve carrot cake!
I wouldn't have done this for anyone but you!!!!
Hugs, my friend.
Hi Kitty, thanks for thinking of me - I am still working on my acceptance speech (and those questions!)
Liz x
Congrats on the award, and it's nice getting to know you a little better :) Have a happy crafty day!
HI KT - I am so honored you selected me for the award -I have already received the reward last year and I am not sure we are allowed the reward twice - so maybe you could select another bloggy friend? I like reading all of your answers to the questions. I wish you a very lovely day - thanks again my friend for selecting me - I was so honored. Happy crafting day! Gail
Hi, Thanks for thinking of me, but I have already rec'd this award a couple of times. Appreciate the thought though....
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