
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Elves on the Move

Hello, everyone!  No time in the craftroom today!  But look who came with me to help with chores at my old house!  Both of my elf twins - Eli and Elfis!  They are so sweet - they wanted to help out! Here they are, all buckled up in the front seat of my car, ready for the drive - safety first!  

I know Diana of DL.ART will appreciate me linking up in her Second Annual Elf Antics Linky Party.

I might be back later with a card - I'm home now and itching to make a quick one! Wishing you a joyful day!


  1. LOL - Safety first!! I'm glad Eli and Elfis understand the need to buckle up!! Have a wonderful day my sweet friend!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Pleased to see Eli and Elfis buckled in! Hope they were a good help.

  3. You little twin elves are so cute and they are so safe. Hope rides in the back seat because she is under 40 lbs. I wouldn't want to get a ticket ( it's a CA law) I just love all the colors you used.
    Thank you for joining ELF Antics 2nd Annual Linky Party
    DIANA L.

  4. Well isn't this the cutest thing! ! What no Elf carseats??? LOL We have been gone all day as well - just arrived home - Look what Garland was up to today - her photo is at DL blog! Enjoy your evening!

  5. Safety is very important. When those elves have finished helping you with chores send them my way I have more than Daisy & I can handle. Got towels laundered today. Who said there is only 12 more days till Christmas! Yikes!
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  6. So sweet how the Elves are so willing to lend a helping hand.


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